Friday, October 3, 2014

The Truth Behind Women Weight Training

We have all heard it spew from a woman’s lips before... “I don’t want to lift because I will look like a man” or “I don’t lift because I don’t want to look big and bulky.” Granted, women have various fitness goals and desires of what they would like their body to represent. Due to  myths and misconceptions, many women do not realize the benefits of  weight training and how it can increase overall health and well-being. With the proper nutrition, lifting weights will create a leaner physique.

The increased presence of muscle tissue improves overall metabolic function, especially when at rest. This means that by increasing your lean body mass through strength training, you can burn fat exponentially better than with aerobic exercise alone.1 There are copious benefits of weight training including: increased bone density which prevents the onset of osteoporosis, aids in coordination, balance, and improved circulation, and improved self-esteem and a sense of personal empowerment. And not to mention the great physique that comes with all these benefits!

As for becoming big and bulky, women do not have enough testosterone to build muscle like men. Women have testosterone levels that are about 15-20 times lower than a man.2 Therefore, if a woman lifts weights, a woman cannot look like a man unless she begins to supplement with male hormones, creating a neurological change.

1Perry, H. (2007, January 1). Benefits of Strength Training For Women. Retrieved September 28, 2014, from

2Sinkler, J. (2013, December 23). Strength Training Myths. Retrieved September 28, 2014, from

1 comment:

  1. Weight training is something all women should try. Even if max weight isn't the goal, lighter weights with higher repetitions are a great way to tone muscles!
