Monday, November 2, 2015

Asking for Help

One of the best ways to make improvements to personal performance either on the field or in the weight room is to just ask for help from superiors. Superiors can be either a coach or another athlete that has had more experience. Many athletes are too scared to ask for help because they do not want to seem incompetent. “There are many reasons people fear requesting assistance, primary among them not wanting to seem weak, needy or incompetent.”1. The fear of seeming inferior to peers or to coaches makes athletes too afraid to ask for help. They may believe that the coaches would think less of them for not knowing how to perform a drill correctly or not know the proper form to a lift. Athletes could benefit from an elder athlete or coach willing to mentor and help the athlete progress faster. Athletes need to know that asking a question is the best way to improve skills.

2.Here are some benefits of asking for help:

  1. Help by other people can help you make progress better and faster.
  2. Asking for help reinforces a growth mindset in yourself.
  3. Asking for help increase your relatedness with others.
  4. Asking for help can make you grateful.
  5. Asking for help can be pleasant for the person you ask for help.


1.Why Is Asking for Help So Difficult?
Published on the website by Alina Tugend in 2007

2. 5 Benefits of asking for help

Published on the website by Coert Visser in 2015


  1. It is so simple to ask for help yet not many do.. Hopefully readers will see the benefits of asking for help and begin doing so.

  2. One of the biggest strengths of a team or workout group/partner is being able to work together and having the opportunity to get help both physically or mental when needed.
